You may have taken photographs that you're really proud of, but for some reason they just don't look right? Perhaps someone has got in the background and you want them removed? Let us help you with your photography editing and try to rescue them if needs be. Perhaps give them all a similar colour look so that they work together on your website? They may also be way too big to keep your website loading quickly? Let us convert them into the correct format for you.
We use the latest photography editing software that allows us to manipulate your images, with a little knowhow.
Below is a before and after example. In the first image you can see that the photograph, although composed well, doesn't really 'pop'. After a little editing and cleaning up, along with a colour grade, you can see that the after photo really is a lot more striking. Eye catching is the name of the game.
Get in touch to find out more about our photography editing service if you would like us to help you.